Results for 'María José Montero-Simó'

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  1.  59
    Moderating the Relationship Between Price and Perceived Value of Ethical Products.Rafael A. Araque-Padilla, María José Montero-Simó, Pilar Rivera-Torres & Carlos Aragón-Gutiérrez - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):217-230.
    Interest in ethical aspects associated to product acquisition and consumption is a growing trend among consumers. In this context, the concept of “product with ethical attributes” has arisen to refer to products with explicit social and environmental characteristics. However, one of the factors that most hinders the purchasing of these products is certainly price. Given the difficulty of reducing price, the question that arises is the extent to which other product attributes can attenuate the negative impact of price on perceived (...)
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    The Portuguese Naturalist Correia da Serra (1751-1823) and His Impact on Early Nineteenth-Century Botany.Maria Paula Diogo, Ana Carneiro & Ana Simões - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (2):353 - 393.
    This paper focuses on the contributions to natural history, particularly in methods of plant classification of the Portuguese botanist, man of letters, diplomat, and Freemason Abbé José Correia da Serra (1751-1823), placing them in their national and international political and social contexts. Correia da Serra adopted the natural method of classification championed by the Frenchman Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, and introduced refinements of his own that owe much to parallel developments in zoology. He endorsed the view that the classification of (...)
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    Science and Technology in the European Periphery: Some Historiographical Reflections.Kostas Gavroglu, Manolis Patiniotis, Faidra Papanelopoulou, Ana Simões, Ana Carneiro, Maria Paula Diogo, José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez, Antonio García Belmar & Agustí Nieto-Galan - 2008 - History of Science 46 (2):153-175.
  4.  18
    Molecular and Brain Volume Changes Following Aerobic Exercise, Cognitive and Combined Training in Physically Inactive Healthy Late-Middle-Aged Adults: The Projecte Moviment Randomized Controlled Trial.Alba Castells-Sánchez, Francesca Roig-Coll, Rosalía Dacosta-Aguayo, Noemí Lamonja-Vicente, Pere Torán-Monserrat, Guillem Pera, Alberto García-Molina, José Maria Tormos, Pilar Montero-Alía, Antonio Heras-Tébar, Juan José Soriano-Raya, Cynthia Cáceres, Sira Domènech, Marc Via, Kirk I. Erickson & Maria Mataró - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Behavioral interventions have shown promising neuroprotective effects, but the cascade of molecular, brain and behavioral changes involved in these benefits remains poorly understood. Projecte Moviment is a 12-week multi-domain, single-blind, proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial examining the cognitive effect and underlying mechanisms of an aerobic exercise, computerized cognitive training and a combined groups compared to a waitlist control group. Adherence was > 80% for 82/109 participants recruited. In this study we report intervention-related changes in plasma biomarkers and structural-MRI and how they (...)
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    Actitudes, consumo de agua y sistema de tarifas del servicio de abastecimiento de agua potable.Cruz García Lirios, Javier Carreón Guillén, Jorge Hernández Valdés, María Montero López Lena & José Marcos Bustos Aguayo - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    La Psicología de la Sustentabilidad (PS) estudia las problemáticas hídricas considerando la relación entre disponibilidad per cápita y consumo de agua. A partir de conceptos tales como; densidad poblacional, infraestructura hídrica y provisión de agua plantea tres estilos de vida relativos al almacenamiento de agua, la reparación de fugas y el consumo hídrico. La PS advierte que las relaciones causales entre las problemáticas hídricas y los estilos de vida son relevantes si se considera el Desarrollo Local Sustentable más que regional (...)
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  6. A filosofia na escola secundária brasileira: Breve reflexão histórica de um movimento intermitente.Bento Salvio Pequin, Maria Fernanda Alves Garcia Montero & Gilson Ruy Monteiro Teixeira - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (9):54-70.
    A disciplina Filosofia no ensino secundário/médio brasileiro apresenta um movimento de intermitência caracterizado ora pela presença garantida, ora pela presença indefinida e ora pela ausência garantida, tal como define Dalton José Alves. Analisar esse fenômeno pela perspectiva da história das disciplinas escolare,s sob a compreensão de Chervel e Goodson, foi o objetivo deste trabalho. Para a investigação utilizou-se como fontes as leis de reformas do ensino secundário brasileiro, os programas da disciplina e a distribuição da carga horária destinada ao (...)
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  7. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Vicente Vicente, María José (coord.) (2023). Las nuevas extremas derechas en el mundo. Tirant lo Blanch. 544 páginas.María José García Solana - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (1):77-79.
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    Análise do episódio do prestidigitador no emílio de Rousseau.Maria de Fátima Simões Francisco - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 21:129-136.
    Trata-se de analisar uma “cena” pedagógica, a do truque do pato de cera, exposta no livro III do Emílio. Ali o autor tem a oportunidade de se dedicar à “parte mais útil” de seu livro e mostrar de como podem ser aplicadas as máximas do livro III.
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    Pensamento e ação em Hannah Arendt.Maria de Fátima Simões Francisco - 1996 - Trans/Form/Ação 19:163-175.
    This paper intends to investigate in Hannah Arendt's last work The Life of the Mind the relationship between thinking and action, which is in the origin of the conflict between philosophy and politics and has influenced the whole philosophical tradition. Arendt aims to show that these two activities are not by themselves incompatible with each other, as this tradition made efforts to establish, but they have become so through the "professional" philosophical use of thinking.Este artigo trata do relacionamento entre pensamento (...)
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  11. Nociones acerca de la complejidad y algunas contribuciones al proceso educativo//Notions about complexity and some contributions to the educational process.Kostantze Elorriaga, María Elena Lugo & María Eugenia Montero - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (3).
  12.  39
    Chimbote en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo de José María Arguedas: entre la sociedad urbana y la sociedad rural.María José Barros - 2012 - Aisthesis 51:141-157.
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  13. Minimal Expressivism.María José Frápolli & Neftalí Villanueva - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (4):471-487.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold: first we outline a version of non-descriptivism, ‘minimal expressivism’, leaving aside certain long-standing problems associated with conventional expressivist views. Second, we examine the way in which familiar expressivist results can be accommodated within this framework, through a particular interpretation that the expressive realm lends to a theory of meaning. Expressivist theories of meaning address only a portion of the classical problems attributed to this position when they seek to explain why the expressions they (...)
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  14. From Conceptual Content in Big Apes and AI, to the Classical Principle of Explosion: An Interview with Robert B. Brandom [Del contenido conceptual en los grandes monos e IA, hasta el principio de explosión clásico: una entrevista con Robert B. Brandom].María José Frápolli & Kurt Wischin - 2019 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 8 (9).
    In this Interview, Professor Robert B. Brandom answered ten detailed questions about his philosophy of Rational Pragmatism and Semantic Expressivism, grouped into four topics. 1. Metaphysics and Anthropology, 2. Pragmatics and Semantics, 3. Epistemic Expressivism and 4. Philosophy of Logic. With his careful answers Professor Brandom offers many additional insights into his rigorously constructed account of the relationship “between what we say and think, and what we are saying and thinking about” around the human practice of asking for and giving (...)
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  15.  37
    The Priority of Propositions. A Pragmatist Philosophy of Logic.María José Frápolli - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This monograph is a defence of the Fregean take on logic. The author argues that Frege ́s projects, in logic and philosophy of language, are essentially connected and that the formalist shift produced by the work of Peano, Boole and Schroeder and continued by Hilbert and Tarski is completely alien to Frege's approach in the Begriffsschrift. A central thesis of the book is that judgeable contents, i.e. propositions, are the primary bearers of logical properties, which makes logic embedded in our (...)
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  16.  69
    Aesthetics Makes Nothing Happen? The Role of Aesthetic Properties in the Constitution of Non‐aesthetic Value.María José Alcaraz León - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (1):21-31.
    The relationship between aesthetic value and other moral and cognitive values has been a key theme within contemporary aesthetic discussion. In this article, I explore once again the implications of this relationship, but from what I think might be a different angle. With few exceptions, notably Dominic Lopes, most of the contributions to this issue have dealt with the impact that moral or cognitive values could possibly have on the overall aesthetic value of a work of art. In this article, (...)
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  17.  24
    Experiencia Del Deseo de Ser: Vínculo de Resistencia Para Las Mujeres.María José Sánchez Leyva - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (6):1-14.
    Esta propuesta se inscribe en el marco de análisis y comprensión de los procesos de subjetivación contemporáneos como maneras de imponer una esencia a una existencia. Puesto que hemos sido edificadas con las imágenes de otros, las mujeres hemos debido construirnos cada una con ellas. Siendo muy diversos los desenlaces de esta construcción, somos sin embargo parecidas al compartir una particular manera de vínculo: la experiencia que denomino del deseo de ser. Estando siempre sin hacer, somos siempre siendo y, aunque (...)
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  18.  27
    Business Schools at the Crossroads? A Trip Back from Sparta to Athens.Maria Jose Murcia, Hector O. Rocha & Julian Birkinshaw - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):579-591.
    Some business schools have come under considerable criticism for what observers see as their complicit involvement in the corporate scandals and financial crises of the last 15 years. Much of the discussion about changes that schools might undertake has been focused on curriculum issues. However, revisiting the curriculum does not get at the root cause of the problem. Instead, it might create a new challenge: the risk of decoupling the discussion of the curriculum from broader issues of institutional purpose. In (...)
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  19. Positive Aesthetics : claims and problems.María José Alcaraz León - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 45 (1):15-25.
    In this paper I present an overview of the doctrine known as Positive Aesthetics regarding aesthetic judgements about nature. According to this view, all pristine nature is always beautiful and, generally, although not necessarily, human intervention tends to introduce ugliness in nature. One of the strong practical motivations behind this claim is an attempt to ground our reasons to preserve natural environments in aesthetic reasons. Positive Aesthetics has been defended within contrary approaches to nature appreciation such as the cognitivists and (...)
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  20.  45
    Relativism of Truth vs. Dogmatism about Truths A False Dichotomy.María José Frápolli - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):00-00.
  21.  24
    The Land Aesthetic, Holmes Rolston's Insight.Maria José Varandas - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (2):209-226.
    This paper focuses on natural aesthetics as it relates to an ecological ethics informed by Aldo Leopold and by two contemporary environmental ethicists inspired by him: Callicott and Rolston. By contrast to Callicott, Rolston's work emphasises the distinctive character of natural beauty and gives reasons to understand such beauty as foundational for acting morally in the natural world. This paper argues, on these theoretical grounds, that an informed natural aesthetics is a requirement of an environmental ethics on account of the (...)
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  22. Enunciado.María José Frápolli - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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  23.  77
    Is There Really A Puzzle Over Negative Emotions And Aesthetic Pleasure?María José Alcaraz León - 2017 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 25 (52).
    Two seemingly contradictory aspects have marked art’s appreciation – and aesthetic appreciation in general. While an experience of pleasure seems to ground judgments of aesthetic value, some artworks seem to gain our praise by the very negative – unpleasant – experience they provoke. Known as the paradox of negative emotions, aestheticians have, at least since Aristotle, tried to deal with these cases and offer different explanations of the phenomenon. In this article, María José Alcaraz León does not directly (...)
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  24.  23
    Vulnerabilidad y precariedad. Enfrentar las urgencias ético-políticas del presente y el futuro.María José Guerra - 2021 - Isegoría 64:01-01.
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    Simulating a model of metabolic closure.Athel Cornish-Bowden, Gabriel Piedrafita, Federico Morán, María Luz Cárdenas & Francisco Montero - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (4):383-390.
    The goal of synthetic biology is to create artificial organisms. To achieve this it is essential to understand what life is. Metabolism-replacement systems, or (M, R)-systems, constitute a theory of life developed by Robert Rosen, characterized in the statement that organisms are closed to efficient causation, which means that they must themselves produce all the catalysts they need. This theory overlaps in part with other current theories, including autopoiesis, the chemoton, and autocatalytic sets, all of them invoking some idea of (...)
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  26.  98
    Euthanasia in Spain: The Public Debate after Ramon Sampedro's Case.María José Guerra - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (5):426-432.
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  27.  6
    La vulneración de derechos en la atención sanitaria: una realidad evidente en Latinoamérica.María José Cuenca Jiménez, Ricardo Agustín Alarcón Vélez & Claudio Esteban Bravo Pesantez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240175.
    La vulneración de derechos en la atención sanitaria en Latinoamérica representa una problemática creciente que afecta la calidad de los servicios y la equidad en la salud. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las principales causas y consecuencias de la violación de derechos en los sistemas de salud de la región, enfocándose en los derechos humanos, el acceso a la atención médica, la discriminación y la corrupción. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica que incluye legislación, artículos que abordan la temática y (...)
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  28.  19
    Emergencias, transiciones y colapsos. Apuntes sobre filosofía política práctica y resiliencia.Maria Jose Guerra Palmero - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 5:35-55.
    My aim in this tentative text is framing political philosophy in the planetary context of Anthropocene. I will explore the political meaning of three non-excluding scenarios (emergencies, transitions and collapse) in order to demand the adequate doses of realism and utopianism to survive as an eco-dependent humanity. The climate emergency implies the acceptance of resilience as a political objective from the starting point of our radical vulnerability. We need a practical political philosophy that makes room for hope.
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  29.  37
    Introduction.María José Alcaraz León - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 60 (2):107-114.
    Recent debates on the validity of Aesthetic Testimony and the centrality of the so-called Acquaintance Principle suggest that there is more to the proper exercise of aesthetic judgement than mere endorsement of allegedly correct aesthetic judgements. For example, although it is reasonable to follow experts’ judgements in certain matters of fact, it seems less acceptable to simply endorse or adopt experts’ judgements in the aesthetic domain. That reliance on testimony, by contrast to some other areas of judgement, is not sufficient (...)
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  30.  19
    Problemas actuales de los derechos humanos.María José Fariñas Dulce - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:49-55.
    Desde la Revista “Derechos y Libertades” se nos convoca a dar nuestra opinión sobre los desafíos a los que se enfrenta el actual discurso de los derechos humanos. La cuestión planteada nos remite a la historicidad del propio concepto de derechos humanos, que no puede sustentarse sobre una razón abstracta, sino sobre una concepción evolutiva, diversa e intercultural del ser humano y de la sociedad. Desafíos han existido siempre y son amplios, pero quizá ahora estamos en un momento de importantes (...)
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  31. El educador viquiano.María José Rebollo Espinosa - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:181-190.
    En este artículo se describe y comenta la concepción que Vico dejó entrever a lo largo de su obra acerca de las funciones que debería desarrollar un verdadero educador. Al rastrearlas y contemplarlas insertas dentro del conjunto de su teoría filosófico-pedagógica, es inevitable encontrar en ellas, con entusiasmo, suficientes visos de modernidad (bidireccionalidad comunicativa, no-directividad, utilidad social, paidocentrismo, humanismo ...) como para reivindicarlas y destacar con justicia su actualidad.
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    Hegel y el neo-hegelianismo francés: una nueva identidad.María José Binetti - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13:295-311.
    RESUMENLejos de romper con el idealismo absoluto de Hegel, la filosofía francesa contemporánea parece asegurar su continuación. En efecto, el nuevo concepto de identidad mediante el cual la especulación hegeliana superó la rigidez inmóvil de la sustancia y la lógica bipolar del pensamiento representativo, ha sentado las bases especulativas de lo que el pensamiento francés reinscribe hoy bajo las categorías de diferencia, repetición, diseminación, imposibilidad, exceso, paradoja, instante, etc. El eterno retorno de lo mismo, el acontecimiento que sobreviene a la (...)
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  33. Inferential markers and conventional implicatures.María José Frápolli & Neftalí Villanueva - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):124-140.
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    Espectros indígenas en las escrituras chaqueñas contemporáneas. Revisión de tradiciones letradas y nuevas exploraciones poéticas.María José Sabo - forthcoming - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Violencia con género. A propósito del concepto y la concepción de la violencia contra las mujeres || Violence with gender. Concerning the concept and conception of violence against women.María José Añón Roig - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 33:1-26.
    Resumen El articulo lleva a cabo una reflexión propositiva sobre la concepción y el concepto de violencia contra las mujeres. Su objetivo es reparar en la importancia de reforzar la dimensión de justificación y fundamentación de la categoría y poner el acento en sus elementos basilares e irrenunciables que a su vez pueden constituir propuestas de avance en su interpretación y aplicación. Volver sobre los presupuestos adecuados para superar algunas de las resistencias e incomprensiones que afectan a su teoría y (...)
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    The Cuban Republic and Josz Mart': Reception and Use of a National Symbol.Paul Estrade, Ottmar Ette, Mauricio A. Font, Joao Felipe Goncalves, Lillian Guerra, Laura Lomas, Antonio Lopez, Jose Matos, Oscar Montero, Consuelo Naranjo Orovio, Alfonso W. Quiroz, Rafael Rojas, Ivan A. Schulman, Rafael E. Tarrago & Carlos E. Bojorquez Urzaiz (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    Jose Marti contributed greatly to Cuba's struggle for independence from Spain with words as well as revolutionary action. Although he died before the formation of an independent republic, he has since been hailed as a heroic martyr inspiring Cuban republican traditions.
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    La lógica carceralista y la lucha por los derechos.María José Bernuz Beneitez - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:165-198.
    En la última década se ha podido apreciar cómo algunos colectivos sociales, heterogéneos entre sí, exigen y celebran las penas de cárcel cuanto más largas mejor ante delitos que atentan contra los bienes y valores que defienden. En este trabajo se trata de reflexionar sobre la paradoja que supone que movimientosque se implican en la lucha por la evolución y consolidación de los derechos fundamentales, denuncien la crueldad y disfunciones que genera el sistema penal en general y la cárcel en (...)
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  38. Expressivism, Relativism, and the Analytic Equivalence Test.María José Frápolli & Neftalí Villanueva - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that, pace (Field, 2009), MacFarlane’s assessment relativism and expressivism should be sharply distinguished. We do so by arguing that relativism and expressivism exemplify two very different approaches to context-dependence. Relativism, on the one hand, shares with other contemporary approaches a bottom–up, building block, model, while expressivism is part of a different tradition, one that might include Lewis’ epistemic contextualism and Frege’s content individuation, with which it shares an organic model to deal with (...)
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    Childhood studies: From participation to the incorporation of their voices.María José Ugarte & Carolina Altimir - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (4):225-239.
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    Non-Representational Mathematical Realism.María José Frápolli - 2015 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 30 (3):331-348.
    This paper is an attempt to convince anti-realists that their correct intuitions against the metaphysical inflationism derived from some versions of mathematical realism do not force them to embrace non-standard, epistemic approaches to truth and existence. It is also an attempt to convince mathematical realists that they do not need to implement their perfectly sound and judicious intuitions with the anti-intuitive developments that render full-blown mathematical realism into a view which even Gödel considered objectionable. I will argue for the following (...)
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    Análise da prática pedagógica na perspectiva da autonomia em Sartre e Freire.Maria José Moreira - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (1):127.
    Este texto faz parte de pesquisa de doutoramento em Filosofia em andamento que procura investigar e analisar estes dois conceitos: Autonomia e Prática Pedagógica. A tentativa é mostrar que o conceito de autonomia poderá ser construído de acordo com a teoria da Liberdade em Jean Paul Sartre e o conceito de Prática Pedagógica a partir dos princípios e saberes apresentados por Paulo Freire. Assim, será possível analisar a Prática Pedagógica à luz do conceito de Autonomia.
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    Frank MANFRED, El dios venidero.María José Martínez - 1996 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 25:159.
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    Educación Patrimonial y aplicaciones de Arqueología Virtual en museos y yacimientos arqueológicos.María José Cerdá Bertoméu, Daniel Mateo Corredor & Juan Francisco Álvarez Tortosa - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-14.
    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal reflexionar sobre la efectividad de las aplicaciones de arqueología virtual en públicos escolares para la comprensión y el aprendizaje del patrimonio arqueológico con el fin de aprehender de qué manera las tecnologías, como la Realidad Aumentada y la Realidad Virtual, pueden aportar un valor añadido a las propuestas educativas realizadas por museos y sitios arqueológicos que no cuentan con esta inclusión. El análisis exploratorio del caso se realiza en el Museo del Mar de Santa (...)
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    Diferencia sexual vs (in-)diferencias queer. Las razones ontológicas de un choque socio-político.María-José Binetti - 2022 - Anuario Filosófico 55 (2):203-232.
    Tanto la ontología de la diferencia sexual, tal como la elabora el feminismo de la diferencia, como la des-ontologización de la diferencia sexual, tal como la deconstruye el transfeminismo queer, coinciden en apelar al concepto de diferencia en sí, no dualista, jerárquica ni excluyente, como núcleo de su argumentación teóricopolítica. Sin embargo, ambas teorías resultan en su desarrollo inconciliables y conducen a proyectos políticos opuestos. El presente artículo se propone elaborar las razones de tal divergencia en el marco de una (...)
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  45.  27
    Criação da Obra de Arte.María José Dos Santos Cunha - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-12.
    O que nos moveu na feitura deste trabalho foi a necessidade de efetuarmos uma reflexão para melhor compreendermos o processo de criação da obra artística e opapel que ― no dar-nos a conhecer o objeto construído ― desempenha a críticagenética, uma metodologia de referência no estudo dos processos de criação.Esta nossa reflexão, que teve como base metodológica de apoio uma pesquisabibliográfica sobre autores que escreveram sobre as temáticas, permitiu-nos ummelhor entendimento relativamente aos objetivos que nos propúnhamos.
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    Mundos Posibles.María José García Encinas - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 29:155-164.
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    Expresión del ideal femenino en oraciones y canciones fúnebres italianas del siglo XVI.María José Bertomeu Masià - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:13-19.
    El estudio de algunas oraciones y canciones breves impresas en Italia durante el siglo XVI a la muerte de mujeres de la alta nobleza es una fuente de gran interés para estudiar el lenguaje utilizado para presentarlas como modelos y reducir sus personalidades a concretas características arquetípicas enraizadas en la tradición literaria y filosófica, formuladas en la literatura comportamental para las damas, que se multiplicó a partir de mediados de siglo. En el presente artículo bosquejamos estas características en algunas obras (...)
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  48. Revitalizando el humanismo viquiano.María José Rebollo Espinosa - 2003 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 15 (16):326.
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    As tecnologias no teatro: do artesanal ao digital.María José Dos Santos Cunha - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (2):1-9.
    Neste artigo abordamos a revolução tecnológica no mundo da arte, mais propriamente do teatro. Os objetivos que se pretendiam tinham a ver com o analisar e refletir a forma como as práticas teatrais foram e são potenciadas quando mediadas pela tecnologia. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e com o desenvolvimento do trabalho pudemos concluir que, num clima de mudança radical como o da atualidade, o teatro tem de se adaptar, reajustar e responder criativamente aos novos desafios da tecnologia (...)
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    Fenomenología del acoso moral.María José Edreira - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 36:131-151.
    El propósito de este artículo es describir el proceso por el cuál un individuo o grupo de individuos aplica violencia -psíquica o física- en pequeñas dosis a otro individuo con la intención de desestabilizarlo y hacerlo dudar de sus propios pensamientos y afectos. De esta forma se arrebata al otro su identidad, se niega y elimina la diferencia con el otro. El objetivo de esta conducta es paralizar a la víctima para evitar que surja el conflicto, para que no pueda (...)
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